Sacred Stillness

The Sacred Feminine “Womb” of a Cave

Synching into Our Rhythm with Nature

In our Western culture, it seems like there is some sort of medal we might obtain from some invisible academy if we keep busy and on the go, go, go! It's as if one is not supposed to lean into the natural rhythm of rest and stillness that we all need from time to time. In my shamanic journeys, my Helping Spirits show me that stillness is necessary to bring forth into our external world the sacred magic found within.

Before sitting down to write this, I asked my Helping Spirits if there was a particular message to be translated from the Spirit World to the world that we inhabit. I was directed to look at the storm beginning tonight in the Northeast area of the US. I asked what I needed to know about the reason why the storm was created. I heard, "Stillness," and I was shown the thick blanket of snow insulating the dormant life buzzing underneath.

Surprisingly, I was then brought to the Spirit of Imbolc. Imbolc is an ancient Celtic festival traditionally held on February 1st to mark the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The word "Imbolc" translates to "in the belly." It is a celebration of the very first stirrings of new life in Spring. The Spirit of Imbolc appeared to me as a feminine spirit, whose message was for us to peel the external layers off and go deep within to find the stillness ~ the divine "womb" space within that is not affected by the external world.

I was shown that the stirrings within us cannot be truly heard unless we enter into the Sacred Stillness. The dreams that we give birth to in the fertile periods of our life require stillness in order to absorb adequate nourishment. It also requires patience and trust for the right energies to converge as divine timing is met for birthing those dreams.

I also received messages from the Ancestors during this journey, who wish to remind us that they are available as supports at any time. I was shown that we, as descendants, are not only the hopes and dreams of generations past, but that there is so much untapped love available from them. Even if the relationship with those in your immediate family was challenging, the Ancestors reminded me to relay that once a person passes into the Light, all egoic characteristics we once knew cease to be as the spirit of that family member rejoins the Divine.

I was further shown that our Ancestors are not only external, but because we inherit their genetics, we hold them in our physical bodies as we walk this world. So, they walk with us, externally as well as internally. They showed me how interconnected we are with them, and that holding the love you have for them is akin to holding that same love for yourself. They showed me many mirrors reflecting back to them and back to us, and that we are all the same, essentially. The deeper message was that our hopes and dreams that we give birth to in this life are much like what we are, as descendants, to them: their hopes and dreams manifested through miracles!

In essence, when we hold hopes and dreams for our own lives in Sacred Stillness, we metaphorically become "pregnant." Whether we are physically female or male, we become much like a gestating mother. Just as we hold love for our own unborn child, we can also hold our dreams in the high frequency of love in order to nourish them for an opportune time to be given birth to. But this cannot happen without first unearthing those seeds in Sacred Stillness.

At such an ancient marking of Imbolc, I ask you, what hopes and dreams do you have stored "in the belly"? It is only through becoming quiet and entering into the Sacred Stillness that you can hear the faint whispers of these miracles yet to become manifest!

~ Honoring the Sacred Stillness in You ~


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