The Spirits of the Elements

In shamanism, everything is a spirit existing in a plane that has no hierarchy. These spirits reside in the embodied clouds, as well as the rain, the sun, the trees, the wind, in addition to the “creepy crawlies,” the winged ones, and the four-leggeds. We humans are just another spirit living in a body here, and looking through the shamanic lens, are no more or less deserving to be acknowledged, heard and respected. Shamans have known for tens of thousands of years that every spirit has powerful energies and wisdom to impart to us in order to support life and to live peaceably together in this world. The powerful Elements of air, water, earth, and fire are such spirits. In recent years, these spirits have begun to speak loudly. One might ask why they are important and for what reason are they speaking so loudly?

The spirits of Air, Water, Earth, and Fire are incredibly ancient, and much like the spirits of the weather, the Elements work together to manifest balance in this world. The Elements have existed on this planet long before other life forms. They are wise beings, and because they have witnessed and played roles in the evolution of all beings on this planet, they have a lot to say at this pivotal time on Earth.

Like most shamanic practitioners, when I stepped into this work, I stepped with cautious respect as I knew I would be taking on a large responsibility. The spirits can impart perspectives and wisdom that can be beautiful and enlightening. Sometimes, the messages are not comfortable to hear, but responsibility must be taken when directed to speak them, nevertheless.

As a human race, we have become so incredibly disconnected from the powerful spirits of the elements, that we have taken them for granted. We live in disregard, and this has been reflected as accelerated harm to the Earth that has been done since the times of the Industrial Revolution. We have created air pollution with automobiles, trains, airplanes, coal and oil. We have polluted the planet’s waters, and some beings (human and non-human kin alike) are not provided access clean water. We are disconnected from the Earth, and continue creating and littering our discarded materials on her, without forethought. And, fires grow out of control, which are a huge indicator of how the climate is out of balance.

What we might not realize as humans, is that we are all made of the Elements. We breathe the breath of the Earth. We are made of oxygen and carbon dioxide. We are made of water, and will die without it within days. Scientists look for water on other planets as a clue to finding life on them. The spirit of Water brings cleansing, reconciliation and peace-making. The Earth is part of our flesh and bones. Anything we eat, she has nourished. We are her children. Earth is the Great Mother who is inviting us to come home to our bodies and loved ones, our true home. Fire is the original element, is seen as a most potent connection to the Spirit World for its purification properties. When asked, this spirit consumes that which stands between us and our purpose. We have passion in our hearts, and we hold fire in our solar plexus, which is our will center. We need warmth to survive, which is provided to us by the fiery ball in the sky: our Sun.

In shamanism, the Elements arealso our Ancestors. Think about that. We are related to them. We also wouldn’t be here without their support and power. We’re breathing in the same air, walking on the same earth, thriving under the same sun, and drinking the same water that our human Ancestors did.

As humans living in this world now, we might feel powerless to control the trajectory of how we are globally impacting the sentient beings who also share this world with us. Others might have cognitive dissonance regarding the harsh truth of our present situation. Fear can induce a struggle to believe current climate change research, but beyond the scope of modern science, these messages of caution from the spirits have been given to shamanic cultures for centuries.

One beautiful practice of shamanism is to see everything in its light of perfection in order to support its healing. While still acknowledging the collective imbalance and destruction, seeing other beings in absolute health is something that has been practiced by shamans over the centuries. Having that radical hope, faith and focus can overcome seemingly impossible circumstances and can support miraculous outcomes. It is important to grieve these issues, as we cannot deny them. However, as we choose to be the catalyst of change, we must start changing our perceptions. The biggest perception we must change is how to perceive the beings sharing this world with us. What if we changed our perception of the elements? What if our modern culture at large began seeing the elements as wise, sentient beings? What if these important messages they were imparting to shamans all over the globe for tens of thousands of years were finally heeded by all peoples in our modern era?

It is not too late to tune in to the messages from these ancient spirits:

Spirit of Air:

I am sacred because I am also a giver of life. Sentient beings rely on the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide for the purpose of continuation on this physical plane - whatever form that continuation takes on Earth. To the cultures that existed before organized religion, the inhale and exhale were holy because it meant one has been given the miracle of life. Today, many somatic practices still utilize the power of breath to become more present and embodied. Whether born in Water or on Earth, when a body is born into this world, it takes me in. And when that same body can no longer function, it exhales me out. In addition, my power can manifest as a gentle breeze calming one's being and at the same time, I can manifest as a powerful gale, tornado, or hurricane. Like the other Elements, I have a gentle nature and a forceful nature. Whatever one’s feeling is about my more forceful nature, it is important to respect it. The development of industrialized societies has been threatening to my balance and purity for centuries. Because not just humans need me, it would be essential to change the perception to see how humans can begin to respect me again. When one respects me, that respect is given to all beings who breathe and exist in my environment.

Spirit of Water:

I am the giver of life. I cleanse and nourish everything, in dry heat, my rains come and I am seen as a relief and blessing of abundance for all of life. In some cultures, my rains are seen as a blessing from the spirit world. In the drought of the plains in Africa, the elephants joyously bathe in my drinking holes, spraying water on themselves and each other - as if they are rolling in gold! They know that without my rains, there is hardship and even death. The fish celebrate the waters. They live in and breathe the waters. The spring rains nourish the Earth to prepare for dormant seeds to germinate. I work with the Sun (Fire), and the Earth, as well as Air to deliver nourishment to the inhabitants of this world. Every organism on the planet requires my presence to live. Honor me - I am ancient and flowing. I am refreshing and balancing. I am life. 

Spirit of Earth:

I work with all the Elements as the Mother of all. My molten center is fire. My blood is water, my body and bones are green. My breath is the Air, which flows within the lungs of all. You forget that we all breathe together. I have been home to more species than are countable to humans. Some have not survived, and some are multiplying exponentially. I am a living, breathing being floating in the Milky Way. I am your home. I am one of the few places where there is a plethora of life. My gravity is grounding medicine for the souls of many. In the flux of seasons, with my tilt away and towards our sun, your own human Ancestors have honored my spirit and body as the Great Mother and nourisher. Although some are waking up to this notion, it grieves me that most humans do not see the interconnectivity. When one group of beings suffer, you do as well. It is time to discontinue the blindness of this knowledge. 

Spirit of Fire:

My gift to humankind is warmth and purification. I have also given the gift of cooking to humans. For thousands of years, I have brought together communities for healing, for worshipping, and for sacred ceremony. With your openness, I also have the power to read your heart with my strong, focused eye. I am the great transformer. Many humans fear fire, because it can be destructive, decimating material possessions, homes, and even lives. But just like the other Elements, there is a balance that I bring to the world. Small, controlled fires can help create fertile soil and create potential for prosperous new growth. To the ancients, I was a powerful agent of change and a symbol of death and rebirth. When performing ceremony with me, I will read your heart, your soul, and your intention. When you do anything intentionally with me, you must be very clear and focused, and trust that what is being asked of me will without a doubt, create change. 

It is necessary to acknowledge, honor and listen to the spirits of the Elements in our daily lives. There is a saying: As above, so below. What we do to others, we do to ourselves too.

If you feel called, take a moment today to gather a representation of each of the elements, such as a rock or flower for earth; a cup of lake or ocean water or even a a sea shell to represent water; a candle or a representation of the sun for fire. To honor air, you might burn some incense or have a feather mindfully laid out on a decorative cloth or altar, if you have one. Whatever feels good and right to you is fine. It’s time to deepen our connection to the Elements. What are they saying to you? You don’t need to be a shamanic practitioner to connect to these powerful spirits. They are willing to communicate with each and every one of us!


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